blog: Solve for X with U February 21, 2012javiergs 💡 “Make your pursuits a meaningful part of a broader endeavor” -M. Crow Arizona State University A top ranked research university [+]
The Affective Meta-Tutoring Project: How to Motivate Students to Use Effective Meta-cognitive Strategies January 23, 2012February 6, 2019javiergs I am presenting a short talk at the 42nd Conference of Research and Development by Tecnologico de Monterrey (CIDTEC) in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, [+]
The Level Up Procedure: How to Measure Learning Gains without Pre- and Post-testing January 23, 2012February 6, 2019javiergs I am presenting a short talk at the 42nd Conference of Research and Development by Tecnologico de Monterrey (CIDTEC) in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, [+]
Affective Computing Meets Design Patterns: A Pattern-Based Model of a Multimodal Emotion Recognition Framework January 23, 2012February 6, 2019javiergs I am presenting a short talk at the 42nd Conference of Research and Development by Tecnologico de Monterrey in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico. [+]
From Behavioral Description to A Pattern-Based Model for Intelligent Tutoring Systems January 23, 2012February 6, 2019javiergs I am presenting a short talk at the 42nd Conference of Research and Development by Tecnologico de Monterrey (CIDTEC) in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, [+]
How to do Multimodal Detection of Affective States? January 23, 2012February 6, 2019javiergs I am presenting a short talk at the 42nd Conference of Research and Development by Tecnologico de Monterrey in Monterrey (CIDTEC), Nuevo Leon, [+]
ABE: An Agent-Based Software Architecture for a Multimodal Emotion Recognition Framework January 23, 2012February 6, 2019javiergs I am presenting a short talk at the 42nd Conference of Research and Development by Tecnologico de Monterrey (CIDTEC) in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, [+]
paper: (LNGC 2012) Three-Dimensional Visualisation of the Tectonic movement over Mexico by means of the Global Positioning System (GPS) measurements January 16, 2012javiergs ICA/SPIE Europe Symposium on True 3D in Cartography Dresden, Germany August 24-28, 2009 Abstract This paper presents the design of a computer [+]